
Where do you get armored cars?

Where do you get armored cars?
  1. Can you legally own an armored car?
  2. How much does it cost to get your car Armoured?
  3. Where can you buy armored cars in GTA?
  4. How much does it cost to bulletproof your car?

Can you legally own an armored car?

It's completely legal to buy armored vehicles for civilians. These vehicles can withstand various types of ferocious attacks. So these are very helpful to protect you and your family. These cars are available at different costs ranging from $300k to 1.5 million.

How much does it cost to get your car Armoured?

How much does an armored car cost? The costs involved in armoring vehicles highly depend on the specific vehicle's model, level of armoring, optional features and the amount of special protection applications/technologies requested. The armoring cost may vary from $50,000 all the way up to $500,000 and beyond.

Where can you buy armored cars in GTA?

Recorded at a top speed of 109.75 mph, the Armored Kuruma is one of the fastest armored vehicles in GTA Online. It can be purchased from Southern S.A. South Autos in GTA Online for $698,250.

How much does it cost to bulletproof your car?

The cost to bulletproof a car can vary between $10,000 up to $100,000 or more depending on the armor level and options. That price range is just considering the material and work of bulletproofing a car and not the vehicle itself. It is possible to buy cars directly from manufacturers with their armor pre-installed.

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